Many examples, stories, anecdotes are the result of a collection from various sources,
such as newspapers, magazines, speakers, seminars, webinars, workshops, books, conferences, interviews, and so on, over the last 20 years. Unfortunately, sources were not always noted or available; hence, it became impractical to provide an accurate acknowledgement. Regardless of the source, I wish to express my gratitude to those who may have contributed to this work, even though anonymously.
“I am the world, I speak ENGLISH, kiss like FRENCH, drive GERMAN, dress ITALIAN, team-work like JAPANESE, work like CHINESE, high-class like ENGLISH, business like USA, spirituality like INDIAN spend like ARAB, party like CARIBBEAN.”
Often refer to:
-USD (US dollars) for my examples. As you know I’m more familiar with it.
-Mr. Kiyosaki's quadrants, E,S,B,I =(LEFT) Employee, Self-emp,(RIGHT)Business, Investor.
-I use SHE, because I’m addressing to Ivania & Ivantika.
-Mastermind strategy, not a yes man strategy. (Not manipulation but survival).
-My life formulas, (1) - =+(Spend the least possible to earn the maximum possible) ; (2) Cashflow Quadrant, (3) I / E = 3 (Income divided by expenses equal to 3, Financial security, out of rat race).
Things for Granted
We already take this title for granted, not even give it one second to think about it. Throughout our entire life we’ll keep asking for things, specially materials ones, everybody will want a “Ferrari”, that’s for sure. No need to bother you and make you feel guilty, I’ll take me as example.
I cursed the whole world for my health condition, being unable to move normally. But what I was not thinking about, I can see a movie, listen to music, eat a good food, read books etc. I am very grateful for all these, somebody somewhere is not fortunate as me, someone else is praying to have things I take for granted. Appreciate what you HAVE before it turns into what you HAD.
“Health bring a freedom, very few realise until they no longer have it”.
The primary motive of this book, is to hand over my lifetime of observation of human beings around me. I have learned many principles that I’ve put into practise (I never advise things that I do not experience myself). But as I always said, what is good for me (work for me) may not necessarily be good to others. Learn from other people’s mistake, we don’t have enough time to make all the mistakes ourself and learn.
Throughout my life I’ve met many good people. God place them here to help, whenever it's needed. They bring out the good in you, cherish them, because they are hard to find. And one thing you must understand, you live among human, not always perfect. If someone do 9 good things for you and one bad thing, why you remember only the bad one. If you want to live like that you have come to the wrong planet.
Now it’s the contrary, Bad people, I’ve written this book also for this purpose, to protect you from these people. They are the “Haters” of humanity, they work and are active 24/7. It’s natural to help and be good to people, but not all people (Not all people are people). They are here only to take and hurt you and your dear ones. Remember haters are here to hate, their only task in this world is to hate and they do it very well. Don’t get bitten again and again by them, gentleness doesn’t mean foolishness or stupidity. “If you hurt me once, shame on you. If you hurt me twice, shame on me this time”. You have been able to do it by surprise the first time, but now that I’m aware what kind of people you are, don’t even think of it again. Treat me like a king and I’ll treat you like a queen, treat me like a game and I’ll teach you how to play.
It’s your duty to protect yourself and your love ones from these parasites, and one thing you must give credits to “Haters”. They are the ones who think you are better than them.
People are assholes
“To fight a pig, you must enter the mud. Whether you win or lose, you will get dirty.”
I have tried all my life to give them what they want, as I’ve been taught, but they appear to use you as long as they can, disguise in good intention. Richard Branson said : “People are like flowers, when you water them they flourish.” As long as you water them, they will remain temporarily yours. When someone else water them, they will be theirs, forgetting completely your good deed.
I’ve been told also that you will build life-long customers when you deliver good products, prices and services. But unfortunately in all my life of entrepreneurship, I have seen rarely a repeated customer. Even if you’ve done your best, someone has done better than you, and the so-called “Life-time customer” has shift to him. People are only interested of what is it for me now. They don’t care of what you think or intend to do. People do what they want, not what you tell them. Like channels on “YouTube”, asking people to subscribe. Big announcement for you guys, “They will never subscribe, unless they can use it.”
When you tell people about your problems, 80% don’t care, 20% are glads it’s you. Someone’s opinion of you don’t have to become your reality. Most will not be happy with your success. They will feel bad when you’re well. Example, if someone advise you to exercise, you’re becoming too fat. Once you get better than him, he’ll not like it. People feel insecure with people better than them.
The Psychological Reaction Of your Mind
Your mind is vere,very powerful. “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” (Napoleon Hill). Let’s see:
1. The most sophisticated computer can hold, 250,000 pictures; 20,000 songs; Hundreds of full length films. Suppose it’s some Terabyte, not even close to a human mind. Your mind can perform ten quadrillion operations per second.
2.You get the exact amount of blood, exact amount of air, exact amount of temperature without even you notice it. If you were in charge of your body, you’ll forget to breathe. It’s 6 trillion things to 60 trillion cells every second. All these amazing things are control by your “Subconscious Mind”. Although it’s that powerful, you know what is its limitation? The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between “The Real” & “A Thought”. Example, a dream, your mind accept it as real.
3.”The Placebo Effect”. A person got a surgery, another got a fake one, both reported it was a success. The mind eliminated all symptoms.
4.”The Nocebo Effect”. The contrary of “Placebo Effect”. The mind instead of curing illness, contribute to worsen it. You believe you have this disease and you got it. Whatever belief, you hold in your subconscious mind will become your reality.
5.Hypnosis, That how it works? The hypnotist plant an idea in your mind and make you believe it, or withdraw something that has been hidden long ago. By the way, your mind is too precious. Do not let anybody manipulate it.
6.Your life is on autopilot. You make only 2% decision by yourself, 98% are made by your subconscious mind. Let me explain. You buy an ice cream and eat it. Have you ask yourself if you like it or not? Your body know automatically what you like, you don’t have to think about it. Same thing for everything, (sports, fast food, blonde, etc..)
7.Subliminal ads, They work so effectively that they are ban by governments in over 10 countries. Ads that have an hypnotic effect. If you’re attracted by a word or image in an ad, this pub has hypnotic effect.
8.Effect on Children, by the time a child enter elementary school, she has already been exposed to, 8,000 murders; extreme graphic scenes (Video games); Violence in movies (so-called children movies) even cartoons have violence, Songs (Beautiful music, but listen to the lyrics). Don’t say why me? In the future. What your child is seeing, will reproduce shortly.
9.Gossip, whenever you start gossiping, your mind automatically shift to a blaming zone, which will find only fault with everything. You have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day. The moment it is a negative one, it act on the stress system and ease infection. You can’t gossip without hurting yourself.
As you have seen your mind is very powerful, but influential. Other will not hesitate to put bad things in it. It’s up to you to use it to your advantage. Throughout my life I’ve been exposed to good and bad. I’ve tried to always choose good. That’s what I’m sharing with you. Choose only topics that suites you. What you see in your mind, you’ll hold it in your hand. Be very careful, of how you feed your mind and that of your children. What you are experiencing now is what you’re reaping for act in the past. You like it or not? If no, do different things. Don’t expect to have different result by doing the same things.
Man, of all creatures, is physically the most ill equipped in this world. He cannot fly like a bird, can be killed by a tiny insect, cannot outrun a leopard, cannot swim like an alligator, cannot climb the tree like a monkey, doesn't have the eye of an eagle, nor does he have the claws and teeth of a wild cat. Physically, man is helpless and defenseless. But nature is reasonable and kind. Nature's greatest gift to man is the ability to think. He can create his own environment, whereas animals adapt to their environment. Sadly, very few people use the greatest gift the ability to think to its full potential. Failures are of two kinds: those who did and never thought and those who thought and never did. Going through life without using our ability to think is like shooting without aiming. Life is like a cafeteria. You take' your tray, select your food and pay at the other end. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. In a cafeteria, if you wait for people to serve you, you will wait forever. Life is like that too. You make choices and pay the price.
The Undertaker must Cry When You Die
Can you make an undertaker cry? You must be so unique that when you die, your absence is felt. To achieve that you must be a good husband, father, neighbour, son and so on. The wealthiest place on earth is not South Africa where there’s diamond mine or fort knox where reserve of gold is stocked, but it’s the cemetery. Because there you will find potential unrealized there you will find dreams never pursued. A renown advisor to Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King said:
Imagine you’re on your deathbed, and around you are the ghost of dreams, ideas, ability, talents (Project never fulfilled, Books never written, Action never accomplish, etc ). Given to you by life but never used. These ghost with large angry eyes will say, we came to you, and only you could have given us life, now we must die with you.
If you die today, what “Dream” will die with you?
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